To Be Content....

I've been thinkin 2 myself...why iz it that ppl make thangz soooo hard for themselves when it really doesn't have to be? In my perfect world the everyday bs iz at an all time low b/c I seek fire starters before they have the chance to ignite. Lately I'm realizing that it doesn't take much to make me a content man. Family,steady pay,peace at home n good Music....Most importantly God. Question, Whats your motivation? Do u wake up every morning and say this iz life az it effort on ur behalf?  If your willing to take wat the world has 2 throw at you then you where betta off not birthed in my opinion. Rebel without a cause marks you as a individual who knoz only brute means of solving issues. To be 2 steps ahead of the game you gotta b willing to plan 3 steps ahead of your competition.


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