My Mind In A Day

God allows you the freedom of choice....Freedom is looked at very light it seems to me. I made a promise to myself that as long as God allows me to draw breathe on this earth I'm goin to use my hours wisely. Doesn't everybody use their hours wisely??? To live,eat,shit,sleep...that maybe so...but how many of those ppl actually work??? I can complain all day long about bills,stress,money,home improvement etc. but what steps am I taking to change my situation? I be another number,another poster child for black young adults in America. I want to travel and explore places/people I might be ignorant to. Yes I am ignorant to a lot of things in my lack of understanding to accept. One way of making this dream a reality...use my hours...all 24 of them. Question,do you make every hour count? Are you aware that while you rest and slack on an idea someone is up dying to be the next best? How bad do you want change? Is your goal to live comfortable? Are you self motivated???? Questions,questions....questions. Now if you've read this with a sense of doubt then your just like me... And this is what my mind goes through on a day in/out bases.


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